Posts tagged Joe Biden
The Trolley Problem is Dumb (and so is Voting for a Third Party)

You know this one. There’s a trolley on a track. Up ahead, the track splits: if the train goes straight, it will run over five people, but if the train turns, it will only run over one person. You stand at the junction holding a lever and you have to decide if the train will continue straight or if you’ll pull the lever and reroute the train so that it only kills one person. What do you do?

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Canada is a State of Mind

I was born in Canada but I’ve lived in the United States for most of my adult life, and I became an American citizen a few years back. Over the years, it’s been interesting to note the changing role that Canada has played in my imagination. For instance, during the Trump years, Canada served as an imaginative escape. If things here ever got really bad, I knew that my Canadian citizenship would provide my wife and I a means of escape. However, over the past few days, as the reality of the Biden administration becomes clearer, I find myself imagining Canada in a new way: Canada is where I’ll go when I finally give up on America.

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How “he said, she said” always benefits “him:” What does it mean to “believe women”

I have very little faith in the mainstream media. However, I have to say that after watching the recent interview between Mika Brzezinski and Joe Biden, Mika comes off quite well and Joe quite poorly. I’d encourage you all to watch it.

If you do watch it, I think it's clear why Mika comes off so well: she basically hammers Biden for 20 minutes about Tara Reade. Biden offers what seems to be definitive denials time and again, but Mika doesn't accept them, and she continually reformulates her questions in order to keep the pressure on Biden. She only relents when the interview time us up.

The brunt of Mika's questions revolve around two points, and the reason she is so unrelenting is because Biden is evasive about both of them. In the case of the first set of questions, his evasiveness is quite obvious, and he comes off poorly. However, in the case of the second set of questions, the evasiveness is less obvious, but I think they help reveal a larger and unfortunate truth.

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American (State Of) Exceptionalism: Spanish Translation

I’m extremely grateful (and flattered) that Anna Fioravanti from the Biblioteca Søren Kierkegaard in Argentina has decided to translate another piece of mine into Spanish.

Con su decisión de mantener abiertas las urnas de Wisconsin, ahora podemos agregar a la Corte Suprema a la lista de políticos y funcionarios del gobierno que literalmente han matado personas durante esta crisis. Es una lista larga y bipartidista, que incluye al alcalde de Nueva York que actuó demasiado tarde, al gobernador de Nueva York, que también actuó demasiado tarde, y que ha aprovechado este momento para hacer recortes masivos de atención médica y derogar las reformas de la fianza (esto último ayudará transformar las cárceles de Nueva York en campos de exterminio). Y a esta lista también podríamos agregar a Joe Biden, quien alentó a los votantes a ir a las urnas en Wisconsin, tal como lo hizo de manera similar hace unas semanas en Florida, Illinois y Arizona.

En estos días, sería difícil encontrar un político que no tuviera sangre en sus manos. Y si bien cada uno afirmará que estos son días en que se deben tomar decisiones difíciles, y cuando no hay buenas decisiones, esto es una mentira.

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