Posts tagged Voter Suppression
American (State Of) Exceptionalism

With their decision to keep the Wisconsin polls open, we can now add the Supreme Court to the list of politicians and government officials who have literally killed people during this crisis. It's a long and bipartisan list, including NYC's mayor who acted much too late, New York's Governor, who also acted much too late, and who has taken this moment to make massive healthcare cuts and to repeal bail reforms (the latter of which will help transform New York's prisons into death camps). And to this list we could also add Joe Biden, who encouraged voters to go the polls in Wisconsin, just as he similarly encouraged them a few weeks ago in Florida, Illinois, and Arizona.

These days, it would be hard to find a politician who didn't have blood on their hands. And while they’ll each claim that these are days when difficult decisions have to be made, and when there are no good decisions, this is a lie.

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Cheating at a Rigged Game

It's both disappointing and hopeful to see the vote margin in the recent midterms. 10,000 for Senate in Florida, 50,000 for Governor in Georgia, and 250K for Senate in Texas (but out of 8 million votes). These are all very slim margins. It's depressing that this is what the future of the country hinges upon, but it's also hopeful to know that swinging Red states Blue requires so little.

But perhaps the biggest issue is that these margins all fall within the margins we can attribute to voter suppression.

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